Valentine's Day Spaghetti Dinner

Friday, February 14th, 2025 | from 6:00-8:00 PM

Calling all singles, couples, and families — we’re hosting a Valentine’s Day Spaghetti Dinner, and you’re invited!

Gather with us on Friday, February 14th, 2025 from 6:00-8:00 PM at Carter-Westminster United Presbyterian Church (4950 W Pratt Ave, Skokie, IL 60077) for a three-course meal and some beloved company. Whether you’re coming solo, with your partner or spouse, or bringing the kids along too, we would love to have you celebrate the Day of Love with us! Continue reading for more about our space, the menu, and how to reserve tickets for this family-friendly event!

Suggested donations

Two adults (with children under 18): $25

Couples: $20

Single Adults: $10

This event is limited to 50 guests. You have several ways to collect your tickets.

In-person: Please bring a check or cash to our office when it is open (Monday-Thursday from 9 am – 2 pm) or to Sunday worship at 4950 W Pratt Ave, Skokie, IL 60077.

Zelle: Pay the cost of your ticket order with your first and last name and number of guests to office @ on Zelle.


First Course

Salad with beverages.

Second Course

Spaghetti with marinara sauce and Italian sausage and garlic bread.

Third Course

A delicious dessert with coffee or tea.


Information about our space:

Carter-Westminster United Presbyterian Church

Our church is located at 4950 W Pratt Ave, Skokie, IL 60077 on the corner of Pratt and Lavergne. We have a parking lot on the north side of the building and a car port at the point of entry for easy drop-offs and pick-ups. Our event is held in Sawyier Hall, which is located down to short flights of stairs. 

We are a prayerful and loving community of welcome and worship for all who to live in the way of Jesus – gathering Sunday mornings at 10:45 AM. You are most welcome! Our worship services are held in-person in our beautiful sanctuary and online on our YouTube. We worship with resplendant classical music as a family that invites you to come as you are. We have Sunday School for the kids and coffee hour following service for all. Whoever you are, wherever you come from, you are welcome here!

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