Introducing C-W’s Bridge Pastor

Hi! I’m Bill (William J.) Ingersoll and I began my ministry among you as your Bridge Pastor on Tuesday, September 15t, 2020. I am excited to begin my work with you as we seek together to follow our Lord Jesus Christ. I look forward to getting to meet and hear about you and those dear to you, though there will be too little of that in-person during the near future. I trust we’ll find other ways to do that. Since most of you know little or nothing about me, I thought it only fair to share:
Biographical Information
I am a Minister of Word and Sacrament (Teaching Elder) in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and currently a minister member of the Presbytery of Chicago. I was raised in Huntington, West Virginia, and am a graduate of Marshall University in Huntington and Union Presbyterian Seminary in Richmond, Virginia. I have served as Solo Pastor or Head of Staff for 30 years in three Presbyterian congregations: Belcher Presbyterian Church in Belcher, Louisiana (six years); First Presbyterian Church in Camden, Arkansas (six years); and First Presbyterian Church in Kilgore, Texas (18 years).
My wife, Roberta, and I moved in 2009 to Grayslake, Illinois. Following that, I served as Interim Pastor in three churches in Wisconsin: First Presbyterian/United Church of Beloit, 2010-2012; Linn Presbyterian in Lake Geneva, 2013-2014; and First Presbyterian in Clinton, 2014-2015.
After that, I served as Interim Pastor/Head of Staff at three churches in Illinois: Wildwood Presbyterian Church in Grayslake, 2015-2016; the Presbyterian Church of Western Springs, 2016-2018; and most recently, First Presbyterian of Lake Forest, 2018-2019.
Following my service there, I gave retirement a try for a year but flunked (!), feeling now that God has called me out of retirement to serve as your Bridge Pastor until mid-April of next year.
Roberta, who retired in October of 2017 as an Associate Pastor at First Presbyterian Church in Libertyville, Illinois, and I have two adult children, Lori, and John. Lori and her husband, Bobby Zabor, have a five-year old daughter, Hannah, and an almost three-year old son, Austin. The Zabor family and John both live in the Houston, Texas, area.
I enjoy walking, especially in the Rollins Savanna Forest Preserve behind our home, bird watching, and working crossword puzzles. I am a dog lover and regret to inform you Cubs fans that I am a long-time avid St. Louis Cardinals baseball fan (my Dad served in the Navy with Cardinal great, Stan Musial). Some of you will also be displeased to know I am a long-time Dallas Cowboys fan. In light of these two latter facts, surely it is God’s own miracle that I have been allowed to serve in any Illinois or Wisconsin churches!
Grace and peace,
Pastor Bill
A Note from the C-W Session
Dear C-W Congregation Members and Friends, It is with great joy and gratitude to God that your C-W Session announces the arrival of our new Bridge Pastor, the Reverend William J. Ingersoll. “Pastor Bill” started on September 15, 2020 by meeting with staff at the Church, and then meeting with the congregation on Sunday, September 20th for an outdoor “Meet and Greet.” Pastor Bill is exceptionally well suited for shepherding our congregation through this time of transition. Nearly thirty years of serving at three prior congregations as a called, installed head of staff or solo pastor, plus serving six churches as a temporary Interim Pastor have amplified Pastor Bill’s skills of leadership, wisdom and compassion, and he brings all the richness of this experience with him to Carter-Westminster. A favorite saying that Pastor Bill likes to quote goes like this: “I do not know what the future holds, but I do know Who holds the future.” These words exemplify the hope and excitement we all feel at this time of change in the world and in our Church. We are prayerfully optimistic and energized for the next stage in our beloved Church’s mission and ministry. Congratulations to our hardworking Session members on a job well done: Thomas Akompong, Najeba Badal, Ken Jacobs, Georgette Joseph, and Lisa Novel. My role as Clerk of Session is enriched by the faithful efforts of each one of you. Our work is not over, but we have achieved our initial goal, which is securing a Bridge Pastor to take over the Pastoral duties of our Church until we find an Interim Pastor. With gratitude for your prayers and support, I’d like to remind everyone that you can always contact me or the Church office if you have any questions or concerns. Email updates from C-W are still being sent out, and those who do not have email are receiving the Church updates on paper via regular mail. Thank you for keeping our new Bridge Pastor, Bill Ingersoll, in your prayers, and thank you for your ongoing love and support for our Church. May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all,
Doris Nadder
Clerk of Session